grades 3rd & 4th 

Distance learning with Mrs. Emily

our online courses

During the 2020-2021 School Year, blended learning options are being offered to all students at Wasatch as part of our school's response to the Covid Pandemic.  Students and families have selected learning plans for 4 days in person / 1 day online, 4 days online / 1 day in person, and 5 days online.  Online teachers are the primary teacher for students attending school remotely 4 or 5 days a week during this school year.  Other classes that may transition online for a portion of the year will be overseen by classroom teachers.

google classroom access

online third grade

Third graders find themselves firmly on the earth as they approach their lives with a new sense of independence and separation.  The curriculum meets them with Ancient Hebrew Legends, practical skills and arts (such as farming, spinning, and building shelters), and an increasing sense of independence in literacy and mathematics processes.

lupine class

online fourth grade

In the fourth grade, our students are here, and it is time for them to orient themselves in space and time. For this reason, Geography is introduced into the curriculum at this grade level.

This year the fourth grade is learning about the state of Utah. This is important because as they undergo the nine-year change, they are coming to a new understanding of themselves as individuals.

canyon class

distance learning class teacher

Emily has been a part of Wasatch Charter School since it's opening in 2016. She has been teaching students in classrooms and homeschool groups since 2008. Emily studied education, special education and dance at the University of Oregon and graduated from there in 2004.

Emily and her family have called Salt Lake City home for 10 years and is excited to still be actively engaged in the school community this year from a remote capacity. 
She loves spending time with her children, running, rock climbing, hiking, gardening, sewing, knitting, and traveling with her family.

Let your child be a child. Let them play, get dirty, take risks. It's good for them.

—Braelynn ZoBell, Sage Class Teacher