wasatch parents

School-wide information for parents. See Class pages for class-specific information.

thank you for your support

We are extremely grateful for every bit of support our school receives! It takes a lot of investment and energy to bring the Wasatch vision to life. Thank you for volunteering and contributing to our school. It all makes such a difference.

Volunteer and Observation Guidelines

bell schedule (updated schedule coming soon)


Please note:  The printable one-page calendar (accessed by clicking the button that says Download) only shows days in school, days out of school, and early release days (days when school gets out at 12:30pm).  All school events are visible on the live-feed Google Calendar below, not on the printable one-page calendar. 
Festivals and Events
2024-2025 Parent Evenings and special events
2024-2025 School Year Calendar

lunch menu

Free and Reduced School Lunch Application

Click on the form to download a copy to fill in and bring in to the school. Or click the button to fill out the form online.

local wellness policy assessment

February 2024

Wasatch Waldorf Charter School is committed to the optimal development of every student. We crafted a wellness policy to reflect the school’s values in areas of nutrition, daily rhythms, physical activities, and social well being. We adhere to all applicable federal wellness laws to ensure healthy environments for our students.

Our wellness committee regularly monitors the overall effectiveness of our wellness policy, and completes an assessment every three years to more thoroughly evaluate the policy, and recommend modifications that will positively impact student health. This assessment will be posted for the public to review.

lost and found

Items that are lost are put into the Lost and Found bins, which are outside at the back of the school.  Parents and students are welcome to look through the bins at any time to find their items.  Items in the bins are sorted by the Lost and Found Committee on the last Thursday of each month.  Items that are labeled with a student's name will be returned to that student's classroom for them to take home.  Unlabeled items are taken out of the bins on that last Thursday of the month, laundered, and stored to be sold in the school's annual rummage sale.

If you have a question about a lost item that you have not been able to find in the bins, or which you discover is lost after the bins have been cleaned out for the month, you can email lostandfound@wasatchwaldorf.org  and the committee members may be able to help you find your item.  

student support

other key resources


The Parent-Student Handbook is a guide to school policies and culture.  It contains key information on topics including the school's stance on homework, media, wellness, and dress code.

School Supplies Contribution

Waldorf schools use specialized supplies that may not be found in local stores.  Rather than ask parents to purchase typical school supplies at a local store, parents at Wasatch Charter School are asked to contribute to the costs of the specialty supplies purchased by the school.  This method allows every student to have the same supplies, provides high-quality natural and artistic materials, and ensures that purchasing is done with the best possible pricing.  All supplies are provided for all students whether a contribution is made or not.


Fees are required for middle school students in the 6-8 grade.  The fee schedule is approved annually by the school's Governing Board and reflects actual costs of items and services.

Student Reports & Assessments


Student progress is reported through parent/teacher conferences held twice a year for students in Kindergarten - Fifth Grade and Portfolio Reviews for students in Sixth-Eighth Grade, as well as through written reports sent out twice per school year. Parent/Teacher Conferences are held in the fall and in the spring to communicate student progress to parents. Portfolio reviews occur in the middle and at the end of the year. Teachers will contact parents in a timely fashion if concerns arise regarding a student’s progress in school. It is essential for parents to inform teachers of any changes in a child’s life that might affect their performance in school.


Teaching in all schools, including a Waldorf school, involves the presentation of subjects and content and the development of skills and competencies. Conceptually, the skills and competencies are built as subjects and content are taught in a creative and imaginative way that engages the students in meaningful activity. The Waldorf approach to education seeks to develop the whole human being and values a wide array of capacities equally, not preferencing traditional “academic” content over practical and artistic skills, physical abilities and social and emotional development. However, in Waldorf teaching it is still essential to know both the content and the skills being worked on and to track and measure student progress, particularly given the integrated approach to teaching. At Wasatch Charter School, student progress is regularly assessed and tracked in a meaningful way in order to demonstrate growth and to provide supports and interventions, as needed.


Wasatch presents information in alignment with a traditional scope and sequence used in Waldorf schools.  This sequencing is at times ahead of and at times behind the state core standards for grade; however, all core standards are taught over the progression from Kindergarten to the Eighth Grade.  This information is reported to parents during the middle and end of the school year and through class newsletters and emails during the school year.


Completion of main lesson and practice work is another aspect of student assessment and content work. This is a way of learning the content areas more deeply and demonstrating understanding. All main lesson work is assessed and teachers look for quality of work, mastery of content, demonstration of standards-based skills, behavior and effort. This work is reported on report cards on a semester basis.

  • Standardized Tests
    • Accadience (Reading and Math in Grades 1-3, given 3 times annually, can be used for progress monitoring with smaller assessments in between.  Required by the State of Utah.) 
    • NWEA Maps (Used for English Language Arts and Mathematics formative assessments in Grades 4-8.  Should be given 3 times annually to check progress.)
    • RISE (Administered in Grades 3-8 at the end of the year, as required.)
  • Class Assessments and Tests
    • Dictations (spelling, grammar, handwriting)
    • Reading Groups
    • End of Block Tests (in upper grades)
    • Reports
    • Math Quizzes
    • Spelling Tests
    • Main Lesson Block Assessments (as described above)
  • Paying Attention with Intention (teachers notice particular students in particular areas on particular days and take brief notes on skills and abilities demonstrated)
  • Grades Readiness Assessment (kindergarten students)


Teachers report to administration on the progress of their students throughout the year and work with our reading, math, and student support teams to identify students in need of additional support.  Reports to parents occur at least quarterly through conferences or report cards, providing a time to assemble data and observations collected through various formative assessments.


As a public school, WCS will administer all state required assessments. WCS believes that assessment can provide valuable information on student progress, but is also limited in its scope. Our school seeks to recognize and promote the development of children as full human beings, placing in equal importance with academic growth social and emotional, artistic and musical, and physical and kinesthetic development. Testing is approached as one of many sources of information on student development within the school year, and administered in an environment of genuine concern and caring. 

Testing can be a time of great anxiety for students. Teachers are encouraged to consider strategies that will lessen anxiety, such as: discussing tests as one measure of student progress, encouraging students to take time and stick with tests, providing adequate exposure and preparation related to the method of administration and language of testing, going over practice questions in class, providing breaks for students within the testing period, working with parents to provide breakfast at school on testing days, etc.


Wasatch Charter School (WCS) participates in a nation-wide and State-mandated assessment called Acadience Reading and Acadience Math three times a year. The Acadience assessments include measures that help teachers and schools determine how students are performing on foundational reading and mathematics skills. Acadience assessments provide “indicators” of the student’s overall reading and mathematics proficiency. The indicators help guide teachers and our interventionists towards instructional needs to better serve your child. 

As a Waldorf school, we are aware of many dimensions of your child’s development; we contextualize any standardized testing data within the fuller picture of who your child is and how they are growing, particularly in determining whether additional support or interventions are needed.  We also augment the data collected through Acadience Reading and Acadience Math with our observations and other assessments of each child. 

In addition, WCS’s scope and sequence for the introduction of certain concepts may vary from that of other schools, particularly as we teach language and math from the whole to the parts. Consequently, in all grades we pay particular attention to student growth in Acadience Reading and Acadience Math to ensure that students are developing skills over time, more than worrying about reaching an arbitrary pre-designated proficiency level.  Acadience Reading and Acadience Math should never be used to grade your child or for decisions about grade retention. It is important to note that the difficulty and content of Acadience Reading and Acadience Math increases over the course of the year, so progress is important to notice, even if a child’s proficiency level does not change. 


Wasatch Charter School (WCS) administers NWEA MAPS assessment three times a year. NWEA MAP is Wasatch’s own internal measurement of student’s growth in English Language Arts and in Math. NWEA MAP is a computer-adaptive test and highly respected national assessment platform.

As a Waldorf school, we are aware of many dimensions of your child’s development; we contextualize any standardized testing data within the fuller picture of who your child is and how they are growing, particularly in determining whether additional support or interventions are needed.  We also augment the data collected through NWEA with our observations and other assessments of each child.  In addition, WCS’s scope and sequence for the introduction of certain concepts may vary from that of other schools. Consequently, in all grades we pay particular attention to student growth in NWEA to ensure that students are developing skills over time, more than worrying about reaching an arbitrary pre-designated proficiency level. Please note that MAP Growth scores are just one data point that we use at WCS to determine how a student is performing. NWEA MAP scores should never be used to grade your child or for decisions about grade retention. 

At WCS, teachers, interventionists, SPED teachers and staff use the data to inform their instruction, differentiate student learning and monitor growth of individual students.  MAP Growth produces a RIT scale instead of a score. The RIT scale accurately measures what students know, regardless of their grade level. It also measures growth over time, allowing you to track your child’s progress throughout the school year and across multiple years. In addition to RIT scores, MAP Growth provides specific learning statements showing what each student is ready to learn.  The learning statements are directly aligned to Utah Common Core State Standards.  These specific learning statements and RIT scores are also interwoven into programs that we use for students to practice identified skills, including Newsela and Map Accelerator Khan Math which automatically differentiate instruction for your student to work on their needed skill level.

Wasatch Charter School (WCS) participates in State-mandated assessment called RISE at the end of each year. RISE assessments include English language arts (3-8), mathematics (3-8), science (4-8), and writing (5-8). Because this is a summative assessment at the end of the school year, RISE data is not used to track progress or support curriculum or instructional design.


Historic data on school assessments is available in our school's annual reports.


If you have any issues you would like us to know about; we would love to help you with them. Please read about Healthy Communications at our school and fill out the form on that page if you still need assistance.

The advent of the Waldorf Schools was in my opinion the greatest contribution to world peace and understanding of the century.

—Willy Brandt,former Chancellor of West Germany
Former Waldorf parent, 1971 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate