
Weekly Notes November 30-December 4

Online School This Week
Reminder that this is an online school week for all students, for Monday November 30-Friday December 4. All students are expected to be logging into their Google Classroom every day this week, and completing their work.

When in-person school resumes next week (Monday December 7), we would ask that all parents be extra diligent about following the school's health protocols. If your student has any illness symptoms on Sunday/Monday morning, please keep them home. If you gathered with people from outside of your household during the Thanksgiving break, and you learn that anyone you were with for more than 15 minutes, tests positive for COVID, please also keep your student home as that would be a high-risk exposure and we would expect your student to quarantine. We hope that everyone had a safe and healthy holiday, and we want to work together as a community to prevent increased virus spread when we are together in person again.

Schedule Change Deadline Today
If you are interested in changing your student's schedule for the second semester (starting in January, after Winter Break), either from online to in-person, or from in-person to online, an email must be sent to by 5:00pm today (Monday November 30). If you have spoken about this kind of change with your child's teacher or any other staff member, please be aware that an email still must be sent to Kara Salisbury in order to have everything in place for the schedule change.

Stay At Home Week After Winter Break
If you have requested a schedule change for your student, for after Winter Break, please be aware that during the Stay At Home week after Winter Break (Monday January 4-Friday January 8), your student will do their online school work with the class that they have been with before Winter Break. All schedule changes will take effect on Monday January 11.

Drive Through Lunches Available This Week
This week, November 30-December 4, the kitchen staff will be making boxed lunches, available to be picked up at the school between 11:00am and 1:00pm each day (Monday through Friday). Pick up at the outside door that leads into the school kitchen (if you are in the parking lot, looking at the main doors to the school, the kitchen door is two doors to the left). The menu is available on the parent page on the website: No need to pre-order, you can just drive up and pick up lunches. All lunches for students enrolled in WCS are free.

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